Friday, August 30, 2013

Book Review: Ripples Along The Shore by Mona Hodgson

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah's Blogging For Books program in return for my honest review.

Book Description: Can a War Widow Escape Her Grief—and Find God’s Promise—on a Wagon Train West?

When Caroline Milburn steps off the boat and back into her hometown of St. Charles, MO, part of her wishes she could step right back on board and sail away. St. Charles, though home to her beloved friends and quilting circle, hasn’t felt like home since the death of her husband. And living with her sister, Jewell’s family hasn’t provided much balm for her grieving heart. Caroline knows something needs to change—but for now she’s stuck sharing her sister’s home, and enduring the anger and bitterness of her brother-in-law.

But change is brewing in St. Charles. A group of brave souls are preparing to head west on the Boones Lick Wagon Train, led by the mysterious and handsome Garrett Cowlishaw. Despite her dislike for Mr. Cowlishaw, who served as a Confederate soldier in the war that killed her husband, Caroline is tempted to join the wagon train and start fresh somewhere new.

When the lovely young widow makes her intentions to travel west known, Garrett Cowlishaw forbids her—a single woman—to travel with them. Will one man’s prejudice destroy Caroline’s hope for a new future? Or will the ripples of God’s love bring the answer she needs?


Review: I enjoyed the previous two books in Mona Hodgson's Quilted Heart series, but always wished they were longer simply because I loved the characters, the setting, practically everything. In the third installment, Ripples Along The Shore, I found the story to be a little predictable, but still enjoyable. All of the familiar characters I've come to love popped up at one point or another and the charming setting still made me long for a simpler time when dusty dirt roads and small towns where everyone knew everyone else was commonplace. It had a great build-up, but in the end there was no climax. I felt very disappointed with the abrupt ending and unsatisfied with all of the unanswered questions that were still floating around in my head. As the end of a series, it's a bit of a let down, but if you consider it as more of a transition between this series and the next (Hearts Seeking Home - the first book, Prairie Song is due out August 6th!), it's really not so bad. In the end it does exactly what it should: makes you want to read the next one!
Jessa's Rating: 2.5 stars out of 5

Want to read Ripples Along the Shore by Mona Hodgson? Get your copy HERE. Want to know more about the author? Check out her website HERE. Happy reading!

Note: This post originally appeared on Once Upon A Book HERE on July 29th, 2013.

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